
Composing in Wentworth Woodhouse!

Last weekend I had the pleasure of working from Wentworth Woodhouse as part of ROAR's fifth gathering of local artists and arts organisations. The day began by meeting fellow artists which I find quite relaxing as I enjoy the social aspects of the arts, especially talking about art, music and the way other people work. Artists came from around South Yorkshire for a day of art and conversation in the Grade 1 listed building.

We were given a tour of the house and grounds, including the space we would later choose to work in for the day. Two rooms struck me immediately: the first was the Marble Hall, designed c.1725 by John Carr of York. This 60ft square hall, finished with Italian marble, is an astounding space. The reflection of both light and sound is impressive and has given me plenty to think about since my visit! I would love to compose a piece of music especially for this room - one which makes full use of the amplification and reverberation of this amazing space: all sounds seem impossibly loud, yet truly loud sounds fly from corner to corner! I felt as though I could listen to this space for a good while.

The second room was the Painted Drawing Room which was used in several scenes for the TV show Wives and Daughters in the late 1990s. The room is decorated with images depicting the human senses, painted directly onto the walls! This seemed the perfect room for me and I positioned myself in the corner which depicted sound and music.

The light was pale and the room cold but it was serenely quiet. This was perfect for finishing the second movement of a piece I am writing for the Great Places Scheme, which saw a research excavation take place on a site near the Elsecar Heritage Centre, which is directly connected to the history of Wentworth Woodhouse.

I worked all morning and completed a lot of the first movement (for four voices) in this space, which I believe shows how inspirational the experience was for me!

If you've not visited Wentworth Wood house, I urge you to do so - the rooms and gardens are spectacular! The roof is currently being replaced with new tiles. For a small fee you can have your own tile inscribed with whatever you wish, to become part of the house's history.

Exhibition launch

The launch of my exhibition at Access Space in Sheffield was a success! Thank you to all who came down to see and discuss the work in person - I very much enjoyed the chance to get feedback and discuss various ideas with the group.

The two pieces from my MA portfolio, Syncretism and Apprentice, are still being exhibited at Access Space until the 15th June, 2017.

Please check out information about Access Space and the exhibition.

A new exhibition

I am pleased to announce the first exhibition of two pieces from my MA portfolio: Syncretism and Apprentice.

Access Space in Sheffield has agreed to show these two works along with a brief discussion from myself on the opening night. The event opens on July 1st at 5:30pm and will be shown for two weeks.

Further information about Access Space and the exhibition can be found here.

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