As a featured artist in ROAR's TalkEx 19 exhibition in May (read about the exhibition), I was invited to prepare a discussion on a topic of my choice, which I delivered this week.
Understanding that the audience may be comprised of mainly visual artists, many of whom might not know about might work, I wanted to give an insight into contemporary, experimental and avant-garde music. Instead of giving the usual discussion about my own work or how I approach materials or sound, I wrote a brief history of noise and sound in music from 1913, introducing a few of the key composers and musicians who influenced my reading, thinking and composition of music.
My intention was to show a sort of evolution within a particular sphere of music practice, somewhat elicited or influenced by/through technology and new listening practices. I created a very simple webpage to accompany the talk and presentation (which is mobile-friendly, simply containing links and does not feature any images or sounds), which you can visit, if you wish.
Many thanks to ROAR for encouraging me to give a presentation! I really enjoyed the writing experience as well as delivering the presentation, which also spurred some further thoughts about writing...
Last month I was interviewed about my creative and teaching practice by marketing and communications assistant for ROAR, Amy Forde.
I've had the pleasure of being interviewed for various things in the past, but this was rather more personal than I've been used to and Amy had a very natural manner and way of asking questions that I found really got me talking. I think Amy is clearly very skilled as she was able to create a succinct and sensible article from my disorganised and (perhaps) frenetic ramblings!
Many thanks, Amy for approaching me about this and for writing so many wonderful words.
You can read a PDF of the article or visit the Chase magazine website (pages 36-37).
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post for the University of Huddersfield’s press blog in which he discusses the experience of publishing with their open access journal, Fields.
I also included some details about how this experience, and that of speaking at a conference in support of the published work, had an impacted on his current research at the University as a postgraduate researcher.
The short article can be found at the University of Huddersfield’s Press blog, with a permanent file available for download.
Many thanks must go out to the Fields Journal team at the University of Huddersfield! After a lot of hard work on both sides, James’s paper has been published!
I am keen for this work to reach as many people as possible. It, along with any of the other journal entries, can be downloaded for free from the University’s digital repository.
If you have any questions, comments, queries, or would like to know more about the work, please do get in touch via or